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Payment system design & implementation

We designed and implemented a payment system from scratch for a leading financial institution in Hungary. The newly formed bank aims to reshape the industry by bringing together the best from the banking and technology sector and building a new, fully digital organization from scratch.

Leading bank in Hungary






Leading Bank reference image

the problem

As a new financial institution formed from the merger of different banks, there were a lot of challenges and opportunities in building a baking system from scratch. Our client’s goal was to build the new banking system on a highly flexible modern tech stack - using cloud-native technologies. Our goal was to help our client design and implement the new payment system and drive the project from the technical side.

The solution

Building a new payment system from scratch is never easy. Although our main task was to drive the system design and technical implementation of the new payment system, we supported our client from the business side too. We held regular business needs clarification meetings and tech refinement sessions to help us design the core business flow and business logic. Although our main focus on the project was to design and develop the new payment system, we went beyond our responsibilities - we supported other teams in business needs clarification, system design, technological enhancements, and competency building.

We wrote the codebase from 0, and we successfully integrated it with the legacy systems of the merging banks. The infrastructure we designed together with our client relied on complex microservice architecture, AWS and Kubernetes. To ensure scalability, we opted for using and developing a custom native serverless architecture. Additionally, we introduced event-driven architecture using Node.js to improve the developer experience and ensure that teams can work individually with almost no technical dependency.

the outcome

The designed payment flow works well from the technical side and can handle bank transfers end-to-end. Thanks to the designed and developed infrastructure, the system is ready for scalability enabling our client to become the leading bank in Hungary.

Leading Bank reference image
Leading Bank reference image
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