Apex Lab


A strategic healthcare platform

The patient journey manager facilitates easy communication between doctors and patients, helping them plan treatments, manage tasks, and track appointments. We were hired to make this idea happen.


  • Custom Software Development
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Node.js
  • Foal.ts
  • Prisma
  • GraphQL
  • Redis
  • Docker
  • Headless CMS
  • Cypress
  • EESZT Integration
  • CI/CD


  • Healthcare

The Mission

Roche wanted to develop a tool that simplifies treatment tracking and planning for both doctors and patients. The goal was to create a transparent, accessible way for medical staff to manage patient care while giving patients easy access to their treatment details.

roche doctor

The Solution

From the start, we collaborated as a cross-functional team, defining the MVP and introducing agile to ensure quick iterations. Every two weeks, a new version of the platform was released. Our initial focus was on creating an MVP that catered to two main personas: doctors who needed to set up and manage treatment plans and patients who required easy access to their appointments and treatment details.

We conducted regular user interviews with test groups and continuously refined the product based on their feedback. On the technical side, we used DevOps practices like Docker, set up a CI/CD pipeline with GitHub actions for frequent releases, and implemented end-to-end testing with Cypress.

As the platform scaled to different user personas—e.g., assistants, GPs, medical directors—with a broader range of treatment plans, we introduced Contentful, a headless CMS, to handle the growing content and improve performance. One of the biggest technical challenges was integrating with Hungary’s National eHealth Infrastructure (EESZT). This integration made the platform a fully integrated, comprehensive solution for patient journey management.

“The team was always open-minded to the new ideas and requests coming from the business team and efficient in delivering a successful product to innovate the Hungarian healthcare system.”

Gertrud Nemes Board Member
roche mockup

The Outcome

Since integrating with EESZT, the platform has gained nationwide attention and is set to become the standard for managing treatment plans across Hungary.

“It was a real pleasure to work with the Apex Lab team - their enthusiasm and motivation are what every client is looking for when trying to find the best agency for their project.”

Szandra Nemet Digital Lead
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